True Blood Season 6 Premiere: Evil, Naked Superman, Mr. Happy, and the Pack Master


True Blood returned last night with a vengeance. Sookie, Eric, and their group flee the Authority’s compound with the bloody, naked Bill / Lilith combo (Billith?) in pursuit, at least until he flies away. Clueless, loveable Jason once again has one of the best lines, when he describes Bill as an evil, naked Superman flying above them.

Sam and Luna also escape the compound, but in a shocking turn of events, Luna collapses and dies, but not before making Sam promise to take care of her daughter. Poor Sam has the worst luck with women. At Merlotte’s, Sam (still covered in vamp blood and goo from season 5) begs Lafayette to keep quiet about seeing Sam and Luna’s daughter. This is the only Lafayette scene in this episode, which was disappointing. It’s always a good time when Lafayette is on screen.

Andy’s fairy babies are growing! They go from crying babies to giggling toddlers by the end of the episode. Arlene also takes time to explain to Andy, as he whines about how he cannot handle his fairy litter, that sex has consequences. “When you stick Mr. Happy inside somebody’s hoo-ha without a raincoat on, babies come out!”

An evil Governor? No one has done that before (Walking Dead?). Of course, this is a real Governor with his own twisted agenda. Gov proclaims that citizens should take arms and protect themselves from vampires, but he’s behind the scenes making deals with a True Blood honcho to make use of an abandoned bottling company. Bottling True Blood in Louisiana will bring in revenue and keep the local vampires from eating the regular folk. Political genius!

Bill summons Jessica, and the gang follows. Bill is at home, dressed and freshly showered from his Billith transformation. Sookie’s attempt to stake Bill fails, and even though Bill swears he is simply a new and improved Bill, clearly he is now a super vampire that can survive the true death.

Personally, I love Rutger Hauer, so what a treat to see him in scenes with Jason. Is he the mysterious Warlow? Nora reveals to Jason that Warlow was Lilith’s prodigy in the Vampire Bible, which only adds more mystery to this character. This isn’t Hauer’s first trip into vamp land; he was the head vampire in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, and rumor has it that Anne Rice modeled the physical appearance of her famous vampire Lestat after a young Hauer. Welcome to Bon Temps, sir.

And it wouldn’t be True Blood without some nudity and sex in the woods. Alcide accepts his role as Pack Master, and has a hot werewolf threesome with Ricky and another female werewolf, with Ricky also taking her place as the female alpha in their pack. 

True Blood never disappoints with season premieres. Let’s hope the rest of the season is this crazy, bloody, and sexy.