Married Date, Storm Doors, ‘Merica


Date Night photo is courtesy of the Ed Young website. I googled “Date Night,” found this, and had to share. 🙂

If you’ve been married for any length of time, you know that you have to schedule date nights. Chief and I refer to them as Married Dates. Married Dates involve such romantic activities as grocery shopping and WalMart browsing. Last night’s Married Date involved Mexican at our favorites restaurant, La Hacienda, and a trip to Lowe’s to look at storm doors and purchase grass seeds. Our yard is experiencing its own zombie apocalypse, which I blame on the Coast Guard gnome in the backyard (never did trust that guy).

As we are browsing the aisle with lovely storm doors, Chief stops dead in his tracks, looks above his head, and whispers one word:


I look up to see what inspired such patriotism and Tim Allen grunting, and see this beauty:


Yeeeessssssss. Oh, it is all things American and holy! Chief is active duty military and I have a Wonder Woman obsession, so it’s perfect right?! Our home would be so easy to identify to people. “Oh yeah. They live in the house with the Merica front door!” Beautiful! Inspiring! Majestic!

Could we pull it off? One of my friends said no; only people who are 70 can get away with that door. Really? So, in 30 years when Chief is a veteran, it’s on! We will be two American Badasses, celebrating Merica with our front door!

Now, we just need a welcome mat version of the “Don’t Tread On Me’ flag…


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An Action Agenda for Teaching and Learning (PhD course assignment)


An Action Agenda for Teaching and Learning

What specific recommendations do you have for enhancing teaching and learning at your institution? What effect do you think politics would have on the successful implementation of these recommendations?

Huber and Hutchings (2005) elaborate on what they perceive as four core questions for teaching and learning: framing questions, gathering and exploring evidence, trying out new ideas in the classroom, and going public with the results so that other educators can use the findings and build upon them in their own classrooms. Each core question can be utilized to improve teaching and learning at my institution.

Framing questions about student learning is the starting point for scholarship of teaching and learning (Huber and Hutchings, 2005).  Current college students are the most technologically savvy of any previous generation, and many colleges and universities have recognized the use of the internet and computer technology as a necessary learning tool for today’s college students. Although our President has expressed reluctance in growing our distance education course offerings beyond our adult education program, our faculty must find ways to work around this and to integrate technology in the classroom. The use of tools such as Blackboard and Turnitin will certainly help students with coursework, keeping up with their notes and syllabi, and learning the proper way to cite their sources, and understand the importance of using your own words in your writing. Plagiarism is a major concern with our current students’ work, and many of them come to the university with no concept of what plagiarism is. This is an opportunity for our faculty to step in and teach and important lesson on how to properly write and cite research, and both Blackboard and Turnitin are useful tools for this purpose.

Gathering and exploring evidence are also important aspects of teaching and learning, according to Huber and Hutchings (2005). The  faculty members currently utilize class evaluations in order to determine the majority of students’ learning needs, as well as their likes and dislike about their course experiences. While this is a valuable resource, our faculty should also utilize focus groups of students (possibly by major or by class) to determine other ways to improve classroom teaching and learning. As I stated in last week’s discussion, Charleston Southern also has a Center for Excellence in Teaching, which all of our faculty should use as a resource, since their peers can be their most valuable allies and constructive critics.

Hubers and Hutchings (2005) also state that “the scholarship of teaching and learning is often messy rather than neatly linear, engaged rather than disinterested, and highly personal in its impact” (p. 26). Our faculty members should always be encouraged by our Provost and academic deans to try new methods in the classroom in order to find out what is the best method for teaching and learning at the university. They will not always be satisfied with the results, but dissatisfaction is what keeps all of us burning to learn and do more.

Lastly, faculty members at the university should share their results and findings with their peers. Thanks to our Center for Excellence in Teaching, our faculty members have the opportunity to share their scholarship in teaching and learning with their peers, so they can also apply the methods in their classrooms and critique the methods’ effectiveness.  Our faculty must be willing to take constructive criticism from their most respected colleagues in order to improve their own scholarship in teaching and learning, thus preparing their students to be lifelong learners and observers.


Huber, M. T., & Hutchings, P. (2005). The advancement of learning: Building the teaching commons. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Granny Was Right (Apple Cider Vinegar)


In my recent health journeys into home cures, folk remedies, and eating clean, I found out that apple cider vinegar has some pretty amazing benefits. Yeah, if you can get past the smell! Whew! There are tons of You Tube videos on mixing this magic potion with water and drinking the conconction all day. Not.Happening.

So how do you reap the benefits of apple cider vinegar if you cannot stand the taste or smell? Easy. Put a tablespoon or two in your smoothies. You won’t even taste it. I first tried this with my Tropical Strawberry Shakeology and unsweetened chocolate almond milk, almond butter, and a banana. No vinegar smell or taste at all.

I’ve been doing this for about 2 weeks now, and not a hint of tummy troubles or bloat. My skin looks better, and I FEEL better!

Seriously, try it.

You will thank me later.

Paths to to Weight Loss, Proofreading, Fitness!



The healthy path and the written path? What the heck are they? Let’s just say that I am a rookie entrepeneur with both a health/fitness business and a proofreading/editing business. Each path is a passion of mine that I love to share with others.

First, the Healthy Path. I am a holistic health student at the Institute for Integrative Nutriton, and I will be a certified health coach in April 2014. I am also an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, which means I am a distributor for products including Insanity, P90X, and Shakeology. One of my life purposes is helping people lead healthy, happy lives. We were not meant to thrive in cubicles under artificial lights, eating out of vending machines. Some of the entries on here will focus on health as well as Beachbody products. I am also a big believer in natural, folk remedies. I will feature a lot of those little gems as well.



The Written Path. My career has been in higher education, both as an instructor and an advisor. I have two degrees in English and will complete my Ph.D in Education in August 2014. The written path refers to my proofreading services I offer. These services include proofreading academic writings (disseratations, thesis papers, essays, research papers, etc.) resume writing, and proofreading/editing of marketing communicaton materials (ads, newsletters, etc.). This site will also feature helpful tips on academic and business writing.

Oh hey! You’re stll here! Fabulous. I can’t wait to get started sharing information with you all, and helping you whenever I can. In the meantimes, checkout my Beachbody website if you’re interested in any of our workouts or nutrition products.

And please follow me on Facebook and Twitter:

CFD Healthy Paths!/bbcoachchristie

CFD Written Paths!/CFDWrittenPaths

Until next time, friends. Thanks for visiting! 🙂